
Wednesday 29 December 2010

New Years EVE wallpaper

Just in time for the celebrations!!! Decorate your screen with some kick ass wallpaper showing off TF and Eve in their Tango outfits.

After posting on the forums a member asked for a version showing off Katarina and Garen;

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Custom Rammus Wallpaper

On the way to work I caught the tail end of a Slipknot song and the lyric "In my shell I wait and bleed" caused me to immediatly think about Rammus ( I suspect it's the shell ♥ ) so I came up with this little wallpaper. First time I am releasing multiple resolutions, the 16:9 versions seemed to re-size badly though, Rammus ended up looking a bit pudgy :(

1600x1200 4:3

1280x960  4:3

1024x768 4:3

1366x768  16:9

1280x720  16:9

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Cassiopeia - The Serpent’s Embrace

While her sister Katarina has always been the most celebrated member of the household, the Du Couteau family has a long history of service to Noxus. It has often been said that no soldier has ever been as fortunate as General Du Couteau to have been graced with daughters. His youngest, Cassiopeia - despite lacking her sister's killer instincts - was equally renowned in at court for her stately character and elegance. Cunning as she was beautiful, the temptress could never be found far from the arm of any foreign dignitary, her wiles prying secrets from the lips of even the most wary attaché. With the Noxian barbarian pacification campaign having ground to a standstill, Cassiopeia had set her sights on a diplomat from a tribe of the Freljord region. Thinking him an easy mark, the scheming seductress set about beguiling him. He refused to confide in her, however, until she swore an oath of secrecy upon his sword - a strange weapon with a serpentine curve to the blade.

Once her tryst was over, Cassiopeia provisioned her father with information regarding the barbarian resistance. As she divulged this intelligence, a wave of revulsion washed over her. She screamed in agony as her silky skin hardened to scales, her lustrous hair thickened to leather, and her manicured fingernails sharpened to claws. Dazed, she fell upon a group of horrified servants, rending them limb from limb in a heartbeat. When it was over the blood soaked figure was no longer the ravishing jewel of the Noxian court, but a horror trapped somewhere between woman and serpent. Unable to serve in her traditional capacity, Cassiopeia departed for the League, continuing her service to Noxus on the Field of Justice.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Wintery Skin Collage

More Festivities from the League of Legends Wallpaper Blog!!!! Here I have put all the winter skins together in one massive image. Including last years set of champions!

Friday 17 December 2010

Santa Gragas was lonely...

After taking a good look through the newly released Snowdown Showdown skins and trying to come up with a couple wallpaper ideas I realized something. Santa Gragas needed some *ahem* female companionship in his splash screen. Just look at that grin! You know what must be up!

I admit, Candy Cane MF was a last minute addin and I probably could have done better meshing her into the original but I think all in all it came out well.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

New Winter Skins for 2010

Riot has announced the new Winter Skins for the 2010 holidays!!! Gragas, Sona, Kog'Maw, Amumu, Miss Fortune, Poppy and Shaco are the lucky receivers this year. I will be posting each image to their respective champions page shortly but for now here they all are together.

Monday 6 December 2010

More Christmas Wallpapers

Getting a little bit better at using GIMP. Coming from a strickly Photoshop background the interface is the biggest hurdle. Thankfully though the "actions" are the same between the two, I just have to figure out how GIMP wants me to do something... I also know why it is called "GIMP" but that is for another post ♥

Trundle - The Cursed Troll

Trolls have never been well-regarded beings on Valoran. Generally speaking, they are barbaric, cannibalistic, and sneaky. They are creatures relegated to the murky recesses of the world, hidden away from most intelligent beings. Despite their maleficent natures, however, the Ruhgosk never deserved the grisly fate that was visited upon them. Generations ago, a twisted necromancer known as Hakolin the Bonecrafter attempted to enslave the Ruhgosk tribe. These trolls are considerably more genteel than their ill-mannered brethren, although still uncouth by human standards. The Ruhgosk fought tooth and claw against the necromancer, ultimately driving him from their land. As a parting gift, Hakolin afflicted the trolls with a leprous disease, forever cursing the members of the tribe. The leprosy would have rotted their flesh away to nothing were it not for the trolls' natural ability to regenerate. Caught forever in a hideous rotting state, the Ruhgosk endured their curse while desperately in search of a cure. They never found one.

A wise Ruhgosk shaman learned that he could magically bind the disease to a single troll, provided that the troll could bear the weight of the entire tribe's curse upon himself. However, there was no such troll...until the birth of Trundle. His ability to regenerate is so profound that it appeared as if he did not carry the disease. As Trundle grew, he came to understand his gift and what it could do for his people. When he came of age, he took the curse from his tribe in a baptism of searing agony. Through the shaman's ritual, Trundle became a horrifying creature whose flesh constantly sloughs off his body, only to be re-grown in an unremitting cycle. He has joined the League of Legends in hopes of eventually finding someone who could dispel the heinous curse completely.

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